A recent British study has found that children who spend the most time with their dads are happier than kids who have less face time with their fathers.
According to the NY Daily News, researchers from the Children’s Society in Great Britain found that kids’ happiness is linked to how much time they spend talking to their dads. Kids who chat with their fathers "most days" rated their overall happiness at 87 out of 100, while kids who "rarely" talk to their dads rated themselves a 79 on the happiness scale.
While the teen years can be especially difficult for parents trying to keep the lines of communication open with their sons and daughters, researchers say the study indicates the importance of talking with teens since it affects their relationships later in life.
Fathers may want to consider some parenting advice for effectively communicating with their teens, according to PsychCentral.com:
1. Be a good listener.
2. Respect your child’s privacy.
3. Give him or her increasing independence.
4. Schedule times to talk about mundane topics, such as homework.
5. Focus on the positives before offering constructive criticism.
As for things to avoid when it comes to talking to teenagers, experts say don’t nag or lecture them, and remember to keep confidences secret to ensure they’ll keep confiding in you.
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